January 11, 2004

Guess How Many Film Steve@theMovies Saw in Theatres in 2004?

Alrighty then. It's time to start counting, folks. It's time for the 3rd annual "Guess How Many Film Steve@theMovies Saw in Theatres in 2004" Contest. Here are the tallies for the last few years: 1998--375; 1999--369; 2000--390 films; 2001--375; 2002--405. As you can see, the number jump all over the place. Only one clue: although I didn't get married or go on a honeymoon in 2003 (like in 2002), I did spend a fairly sizeable portion of many weekend in the second half of 2003 looking at homes to purchase. This factor absolutely kept me away from certain films I would have liked to have seen.

Start sending your guesses in and I'll announce the winner in about two weeks. If the winner lives in Chicago, I'll give you a free movie pass to some upcoming film. If you live elsewhere, tough cookies. You get squat on a cracker and the knowledge that you guessed the right number. Yay for you. On to the reviews...

Posted by sprokopy at 09:06 AM